Wednesday 21 January 2009

Splash Page AO2 - AO4

Analysis of the splash page:
- Content:
The mode of address here is fluctuating, the content of the interview is peer-to-peer, talking like he is mates with the interviewer, which is directed at you, however, the interview is designed to inform, thus being teacher-to-pupil. The image is of a live show, the pose of the singer and the crowd cheering add to the effect that this is a rock concert and so enforces the fact that it is a rock magazine. The main predominant colours are various shades of yellow, black and white, creating a striking contrast and unison.

- Juxtaposition of elements: The main image is taking up majority of the left page, it is the main singer. This connotes power and authority as he gets an entire page to himself. The singer is also ‘pointing’ at the text, which he is in, it also represents him talking in the interview, and makes you read the interview as he is pointing at it. The text is positioned just above the crowd, so they are visible. All the writing is focused on a single page so there is two "separate" pages to the splash.

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