Tuesday 31 March 2009



Production team:
Greg Colbeck

A magazine about a wide variety of niche music. The magazine will contain a variety of genres; Alternative, Metal, Rock, Trance, D&B, Electro etc. etc.

Detail of Target Audience:
Unisex, 16-24. It will attract a large audience from many niche genres.

Photography Design:
I will photograph various friends as well as advertising the need for bands. I have already taken pictures of a band; I will be taking some around Sheffield and some at various parties and clubs. The front cover will be a medium close up of some of my friends, ‘performing’ as a trio, it will be a rock/alternative band and so will be in a non-uniformed pose, either each pulling a different facial expression, doing different poses or providing different gestures. They will be dressing up in bright colours that contrast with provide a stark contrast with each other; it will consist of two males and a female called Aaron, Leandra and Kristian.

I will interview my friend’s band about their recent tour. I will also interview a “solo artist” (Name - Jordan Carter) about his upcoming new album, containing a variety of Dubstep, electronic, D&B etc. etc. I will research into a few magazines, one which is an online Dubstep magazine called GetDarker.com

Initial Recce:
When using lights I will have a fire extinguisher with me just in case it sets alight, when required to get to a certain height to take a picture, I will have people around assisting in balancing me and making sure I do not fall. I will make sure all instruments used in photo shoots will be properly stored and kept, ensuring that they will not break. I will also make sure any cables are not in the way to provide a tripping hazard.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

This is my rough draft of the front cover, this is to show I understand where stuff belongs, in my final magazine, I will use a medium close up from the waist.

The name of the magazine will be the same, however the contents of the magazine will be different to those shown.

Generic Elements of a Music Magazine.

10 Generic Elements of a Music Magazine Contents Page.

  1. Pictures
  2. List of Magazine Personnel
  3. Columns
  4. Text
  5. Page Numbers
  6. Title - "Contents"
  7. Editorial - Highlights Round Up
  8. Subscription Details
  9. Juxtopositioning
  10. Sub-Headings

Friday 13 March 2009

5 Rules for taking a good cover photograph.

There are 5 rules you should follow whilst taking a picture for your front cover:

  1. No cluttered Backgrounds.
  2. Make sure you focus on the lead singer if it is a band.
    If it is a solo artist make sure it is a medium shot - close up.
  3. Leave room for a masthead. (~Don't cut off heads!~)
  4. No high angle shots, makes bad images as it connotes weakness and inferiority.
  5. Animate your band, make sure they look at the camera.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Appendix 5. Magazine Ideas.

Appendix 5

Idea 1.

Target audience

  • Mainstream
  • 55+
  • Mixed gender

Classical and Opera

Classical Weekly. The title is simple and sensible as it is targeted towards an older audience. It connotes simplicity.

Ideas for main cover:
Very simple formal layout, a different instrument and musician on the front cover each week. Warm, neutral colours.

Ideas for splash article:
Review of the opera world tour.

Idea for possible other contents:
Up coming championships, interviews, tips and tricks.

Idea 2.

Target Audience:

  • Niche
  • 16-24
  • Mixed Gender

Wide Variety of non-mainstream music; D&B, Altern, Screamo, Trance-Metal, Industrial Metal etc. etc.

This IS Plan B – Connotes that ‘Plan A’ is all the mainstream music and so now its Plan B. Reinforcing the fact that all the Alternative music featured is directed at a Niche’ audience as ‘Plan B’ is second choice.

Ideas for main cover:
Messy, slightly incoherent, featured band dominating cover, few small pictures lower left and right of the cover. Bright contrasting colours.

Ideas for splash article:
A new cross-genre band interviewed. (name will come later).

Idea for possible other contents:
Tips on how to play certain instruments better.
‘Plan B In Action!’ tour details, pictures, interviews and an overview.

Idea 3.

Target Audience:

  • Mainstream
  • 16-24
  • Mixed Gender

Rap, RnB etc. etc.

Vuumm. This resembles the sound of a deep baseline. Much like Kerrang! Resembling the sound of an opening of a power chorde.

Ideas for main cover:
Straight and organised. Straight boxes and the same layout every issue. Gold black and white.

Ideas for splash article:
Interview about a Rapper’s childhood.

Ideas for possible other contents:
How to be inspired/Great sources of inspiration
The weekly charts
Advice from a rapper.

Friday 6 March 2009

I will complete appendix 5 by tuesday.

Mainstream and Niche

Mainstream is a media product that attracts a majority audience.
(High circulation and high readership figure.)

Niche is a media product targeted at a specific group of people.
(Small circulation and Small readership)

Mainstream magazine: Kerrang!
Niche magazine: Classic FM magazine.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

What I will achieve by the end of this week.

I will finish appendix 4 for the end of this week.

What I learnt last week.

I have learnt how to properly use Quark and also new ways of using photoshop.

Last week, I managed to finish my contents page.