Wednesday 11 March 2009

Appendix 5. Magazine Ideas.

Appendix 5

Idea 1.

Target audience

  • Mainstream
  • 55+
  • Mixed gender

Classical and Opera

Classical Weekly. The title is simple and sensible as it is targeted towards an older audience. It connotes simplicity.

Ideas for main cover:
Very simple formal layout, a different instrument and musician on the front cover each week. Warm, neutral colours.

Ideas for splash article:
Review of the opera world tour.

Idea for possible other contents:
Up coming championships, interviews, tips and tricks.

Idea 2.

Target Audience:

  • Niche
  • 16-24
  • Mixed Gender

Wide Variety of non-mainstream music; D&B, Altern, Screamo, Trance-Metal, Industrial Metal etc. etc.

This IS Plan B – Connotes that ‘Plan A’ is all the mainstream music and so now its Plan B. Reinforcing the fact that all the Alternative music featured is directed at a Niche’ audience as ‘Plan B’ is second choice.

Ideas for main cover:
Messy, slightly incoherent, featured band dominating cover, few small pictures lower left and right of the cover. Bright contrasting colours.

Ideas for splash article:
A new cross-genre band interviewed. (name will come later).

Idea for possible other contents:
Tips on how to play certain instruments better.
‘Plan B In Action!’ tour details, pictures, interviews and an overview.

Idea 3.

Target Audience:

  • Mainstream
  • 16-24
  • Mixed Gender

Rap, RnB etc. etc.

Vuumm. This resembles the sound of a deep baseline. Much like Kerrang! Resembling the sound of an opening of a power chorde.

Ideas for main cover:
Straight and organised. Straight boxes and the same layout every issue. Gold black and white.

Ideas for splash article:
Interview about a Rapper’s childhood.

Ideas for possible other contents:
How to be inspired/Great sources of inspiration
The weekly charts
Advice from a rapper.


  1. i like this IS plan B it sounds catchy and the IS in capitals is like a command its like the titles saying BUY ME BUY ME! nice one :)

  2. I like the This IS Plan B, it sounds really unique and like jordan says, its very grabby.

  3. Oh man, This IS plan B sounds epic. Like something an indie warlord would shout before raiding Fifty Cents house.


    ...yeah. I'd buy it anyway. Just for the title. Can't wait to see front cover and stuff. Nice one.
